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WHAT IS LASER HAIR REMOVAL ?Laser is a devise that generates an intense beam of coherent monochromatic light to remove unwanted hair. The laser delivers concentrated beam of light, into hair follicles and pigments in the follicles absorb the light and convert into heat energy which destroys the hair germ cells responsible for hair growth without harming the surrounding tissues and skin.
WHY ARE WE ADVISED TO SHAVE ONLY BEFORE AND BETWEEN THE LASER TREATMENT?Laser kills the hair follicle in order to stop regrowth. The hair root must be present for the laser to work; if the patient has removed it with waxing, plucking, or electrolysis, there is nothing for the laser energy to interact and kill the root of the hair. For the treatment to work effectively, the root of the hair must be sustained and must be left as natural as possible. We advise you to shave 24 hours before your appiontment. This will help prevent skin damage due to the laser heating the hair. Furthermore, shaving the area prepares the laser for easy insertion directly into the follicles.
HOW WILL TREATMENT AREA LOOK LIKE AFTER LASER SESSION?The skin in the treatment area will have some erythema or redness, and the hair follicles will 'welt' up, look like goose bumps on the skin for approximately 1-2 hours. These are the clinical end points. Rearly, this effect can last from couple of hours to couple of days.
WHY DO THE HAIRS STILL APPEARS TO BE PRESENT AND GROWING AFTER THE LASER TREATMENT?Hair have 3 phases, a growing (anagen), a transitioning (catagen) and a resting phase (telogen). Laser works best on hairs at their growing stage. Some of the hairs are in the resting phase therefore not all the hairs will respond to the laser pulses at the same time. Hence there is a need for multiple sessions, spaced about 4-5 weeks apart.
HOW MANY TREATMENT WILL BE NEEDED?The treatment times vary depending on individual's specific needs, area and size on body. Hair growth is reduced and hairs get finer after each treatment. The number of treatments required will be based on different factors such as your hair color, thickness, body area and skin tone. Everyone respond differently, some body areas need less treatment sessions whereas hormonal areas need more seesions. Usually a series of treatments are needed for great results. Most patients experience desired reduction after 6-10 treatments.
IS LASER HAIR REMOVAL PERMANENT?Laser hair removal has been in use for many years now. LASER hair removal has been reported stability as for years. We claim permanent hair "reduction" rather than permanent hair "removal" since permanent removal denotes 100% elimination. However, when any hair left, where Laser does not work, and you want to achieve complete permanency, we have you covered with Electrolysis which is FDA approved Permanent Hair Removal.
WHAT SHOULD I EXPECT AT THE TIME OF TREATMENT?In the treatment room, you would be asked your medical history, any change in health since last treatment, any recent Sun exposure to the area of treatment and explained before and after precautions. We will make sure that the area being treated is completely shaved. We will provide you safety goggles to protect the eyes before the Lase treatment taken place.
WHY MUST TANNING BE AVOIDED FOR 2-4 WEEKS BEFORE AND AFTER TREATMENT?Sun exposure increases the formation of melanin in the skin. Since the Laser energy targets melanin, it increases the potential for hyperpigmentation (darkening), hypo-pigmentation (lightening) or blistering from the treatment.
DOES THE TREATMENT PAINFUL OR HURT?Candela's Laser Hair Removal treatments use a patented Dynamic Cooling Device which prepares the skin for treatment by spraying the upper layer with a cooling brust off cryogen in adjustable durations- milliseconds before the laser pulse. COOLING DEVICE helps and ensure that the treatments are as comfortable and effective.
WHY MUST BE PROTECTIVE EYEWEAR BE WORN BY EVERYONE IN THE TREATMENT ROOM?Laser can cause eye injury if proper eyewear is not worn while the L asser is used.
PRECAUTION MEASURES SHOULD BE TAKEN BEFORE EACH TREATMENT SESSION:Please shave 24-48 hours prior. The area must be clean, free of lotion, no deodorant, no perfumes, no cosmetics, no bleach and ointment. AVOID ARTIFICIAL TAN AND NO SUN EXPOSURE for 4 weeks. Avoid scrubs, glycolic acid and retinol creams on treatment area two days before. Avoid chemical peels for 2 weeks. Avoid blood thining medications. Do not wear reflective clothing and jewelry. Do not tweeze, wax, pluck for 4 weeks before Laser as these procedures can distrub the hair follicle and should be avoided.
PRECAUTION MEASURES SHOULD BE TAKEN AFTER EACH TREATMENT SESSION:You can use a cool compress or ice pack after the treatment for comfort, if needed. Redness may last from 2 hours to 2 days following the treatments. Avoid the SUN EXPOSURE for at least 14 days after each treatment sessions. Avoid fake tan. Wear sunsreen as least SPF 30, and re-apply as recommended by manufacturer. The hair will shed 2-3 weeks after the treatment. You can exfoliate the shedded hairs. Avoid heavy exercise, saunas, chlorine pools for 24 hours after the treatment. Avoid scrubs, glycolic acid and retinol cream for two days after the treatment. Avoid chemical peel for 2 weeks after the treatment. DO NOT do any other hair remvoal methods such as waxing or tweezing, as those method can distort the follicle and also there is nothing left to be lasered if the hairs are removed from the roots. Please shave only, 24 hours prior to the treatment and in between the sessions. Apply soothing creams or aloe vera to soothe any mild discomfort. If swelling or itching is present afterwards, you can use a topical hydrocortisone or Baenadryl to alleviate.
CONTRAINDICATIONS FOR LASER HAIR REMOVAL:Epilepsy Pregnancy Accutane: Wait for one year History of Keloid Scarring Seizure Disorders OR Epileptic Active skin infections OR any open wounds HSV 1 & 2; ( Herpes Simplex Virus ) Photosensitive medication, antibiotics. Birthmarks, moles, or beauty spots on the area to be treated, unless treatment is approved by a Physician. Implanted Medical Device; Pacemaker, cardiovascular, other implantable devices; Consult with your Physician before. We need doctor's note. Sun tan or artificail tanned skiin Certain medications; anticoagulation therapy, iron supplements, or supplements such ginkgo, ginseng, garlic could cause you to bruise more readily if used daily. Certain oral and topical medication known to cause phototsensitivity or photo allergic reaction (especially oral antibiotics used to treat acne, such as doxycycline or minocycline. Birthmarks, moles, or beauty spots on the area to be treated, unless the treatment is approved by aphysician.
IS LASER HAIR REMOVAL TREATMENT SAFE?Laser have been used safely for many years for variety of medical and cosmetic procedures. Laser treatment have not been linked to any long-term side effect, however temporary redness and swelling are normal clinical end points. Potential side effects include skin irritation/ redness that can last form few hours to couple of days after Laser hair remvoal treatments.
HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE FOR HAIR TO RE-GROW IN THE TREATED AREA?Re-growth depend on the various factors such as all individual react differently, the treatment parameters, and area of the body involved, it may be anywhere form 4-8 weeks before anre-growth is seen.
WHY DOESN'T THE LASER WORK WELL ON BLOND, GREY, OR RED HAIRS?"Laser hair removal works well with anyone with dark hair. We can treat all skin type ( dark to light), however the pigment or "melanin"of the hair must be dark enough in the root because the laser only see dark pigment of the hair. Therefore, Laser hair removal is not a great option for someone with white/light or grey hairs. Hair color and skin type influence the success of Laser hair removal. A contrast between hair and skin color results in the best outcomes. Electrolysis would be the best option for white / light or grey hairs. So, if you are one of them, we can still help you as we also provide Electrolysis hair removal treatment.
IS THERE ANY SIDE EFFECT, THAT CAN I GET CANCER?"There is no clinical evidence suggest that Laser of hair removal cause cancer or any harm.
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF LASER HAIR REMOVAL VS OTHER HAIR REMOVAL MODALITIES?Laser offers fast, long-lasting hair reduction. Believe that you will love the results. Laser Hair Removal destroys hair follicles, leaving you with smooth and silky skin after a complete sereis of treatments. Laser can treat body area with greater speed by treating multiple hairs at once, unlike the each individual hair by electrolysis.
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